Accepted Papers in PhoneCom 2013 Workshop


Number of accepted papers: 7

The registration status will be updated daily.

Paper ID

Paper Title

Registration Status

PhoneCom 1

A QoS Routing Protocol Design based on AODV


PhoneCom 4

SmartProbe: a Bottleneck Capacity Estimation Tool for Smartphones


PhoneCom 6

CANDIS: Heterogenous Mobile Cloud Framework and Energy Cost-Aware Scheduling


PhoneCom 7

An Experimental Study On Wireless Magnetic Communication With Smart Phone Using a MEMS Magnetometer


PhoneCom 8

PhoneJoule: An Energy Management System for Android-Based Smartphones


PhoneCom 9

KeyGraph-based Social Network Generation for Mobile Context Sharing


PhoneCom 12

Cyber-Physical Directory: A Dynamic Visualization of Social Media Data